Start Date and Time | Event Details | Location |
Start Date and Time | Event Details | Location |
1:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Coal Ash Breifing
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Tree Roundtable: Outcomes Webinar Please join us for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Tree Canopy Funding and Policy Roundtable Outcomes Webinar. During this webinar, attendees will hear highlights of the year-long Roundtable project, learn about outcomes and findings from the two-day Roundtable event held March 2023, and discuss how this process can help guide more equitable climate-resilient tree canopy implementation throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed going forward.
| |
3:00 PM - 3:00 PM | PFAS Breifing
Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee | |
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Public Informational Meeting: Kuranda Holdings The property located at 1800 Cherry Hill Road in Baltimore, Maryland 21230 has been accepted into Maryland s Voluntary Cleanup Program. A proposed Response Action Plan (RAP) has been submitted to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for approval. The RAP proposes remedies to address volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil gas; metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in surface and subsurface soils; and
metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and VOCs in groundwater at the property. This RAP is based upon future use of the property for commercial purposes.
Kuranda Holdings, LLC, 796 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite A, Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061
Colin Harding Property: 1800 Cherry Hill Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Online Public Informational Meeting:
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Join virtually:
Join by phone (US):
(US) + 1 (650) 419-1505 (PIN:427774410#)
Any person wishing to request further information or make comments regarding the proposed RAP must do so in
writing. Comments or requests should be submitted to the attention of the Voluntary Cleanup Program project manager, Mr. Chris Hartman, at the Maryland Department of the Environment, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite
625, Baltimore, Maryland 21230; telephone 410-537-3453.
*All comments and requests must be received by the Department in writing no
later than February 12, 2024.* | |
Start Date and Time | Event Details | Location |
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Virtual Evidentiary Hearing - MIA Ex Rel. A.S. v. Continental Casualty Company (CNA), MIA 2023-06-001 MIA Ex Rel. A.S. v. Continental Casualty Company (CNA), MIA 2023-06-001Join ZoomGov Meetinghttps://www.zoomgov.com/j/1612112214?pwd=T2ZkL0lVWGR2dm02UUg2Y3N4WGMxZz09Meeting ID: 161 211 2214Passcode: 438881---One tap mobile+16692545252,,1612112214# US (San Jose)+16468287666,,1612112214# US (New York)---Dial by your location• +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)• +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)• +1 646 964 1167 US (US Spanish Line)• +1 415 449 4000 US (US Spanish Line)• +1 551 285 1373 US (New Jersey)• +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)• 833 568 8864 US Toll-freeMeeting ID: 161 211 2214Find your local number: https://www.zoomgov.com/u/aM3NDRiIGZOOM SECURITY NOTICE -Attendees of this meeting should be aware that there are known and potential privacy and confidentiality issues with the Zoom System (Cloud Service, Web application, and/or Application). While every effort has been made to ensure the security of this meeting, factors out of the State’s control introduce risk. Participants should evaluate the risk associated with the application and platform and determine if the risks preclude the use of the service. The State provides no warranty regarding the security of the application, confidentiality of the information discussed, or the privacy of information collected by the application and/or service. Security events impacting the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a meeting (e.g., Zoom Bombing) must be reported to the State Security Operations Center (soc.info@maryland.gov).
LOCATION: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1612112214?pwd=T2ZkL0lVWGR2dm02UUg2Y3N4WGMxZz09 | |