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Harvest Festival at Layton's Chance |
Start Date: | 10/12/2019 | |
End Date: | 10/12/2019 | |
Event Description: Join us for a day-long celebration of our grape harvest. There is plenty of fun for adults and kids alike. Food and craft vendors, grape stomping, hay and pony rides, agricultural demonstrations, moon bounce, and live music. 10th Annual. Event Time:12N-7pm Category: Office Of Tourism Fairs & Festivals Food & Drink Miscellaneous
Phone:410-228-1205 WebSite:http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=hyy5ubdab&oeidk=a07efxvtx6se1b74469 |
Location Information: 4225 New Bridge Rd (View Map) Dorchester Eastern Shore Vienna 21869
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