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Pitching: Get it right, every time |
Start Date: | 11/14/2019 | Start Time: | 5:30 PM |
End Date: | 11/14/2019 | End Time: | 7:30 PM |
Event Description: Learning to pitch is a critical skill for the life of your business. You need it when you seek funding as well as when you try to woo that great tech expert to your team or a super sharp CFO. You need to be able to tell your story in a way that connects with the people you’re speaking with. That includes investors, partners, teammates, mentors … the list goes on.
We’ll hear from experts in funding pitches and work on techniques to help you move your audience to best achieve your goals. TEDCO will join us with a scaled-down version of their renowned Prelude Pitch. Our judge panelists will include:
Anne Balduzzi, TEDCO’s Director, Advisory Services
Neil Davis, TEDCO’s Director, Entrepreneurial Development
Dr. Gary Evans, DefTech’s Executive Director |
Location Information: Harford County
Other Details: Price: $10.00 The Ground Floor coworking space 2021 Pulaski Highway ยท Havre de Grace , MD |