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The Future of Climate Change: What Three Generations of Climate Scientists Revealed - virtual |
Start Date: | 2/18/2025 | Start Time: | 7:00 PM |
End Date: | 2/18/2025 | End Time: | 9:00 PM |
Event Description: In 1987, the Smithsonian launched a futuristic experiment that would transform how we think about climate change. Inside small experimental chambers, a few scientists doubled the amount of carbon dioxide to see how wetland plants would cope. Today, that project is the world’s longest-running experiment on plants and rising carbon dioxide. And its home, the Global Change Research Wetland, now has six long-term experiments simulating different future climate scenarios, from higher carbon dioxide and hotter temps to sea level rise. |
State Agency(s) Environment |
Sponsors: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center |