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Supporting & Developing Business During COVID-19 in the DC Metro Region |
Start Date: | 5/13/2020 | Start Time: | 12:00 PM |
End Date: | 5/13/2020 | |
Event Description: The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted normal operations in large segments of the global economy, including here in the mid-Atlantic region. This webinar will offer perspectives from public and private sector actors on how international businesses can continue to pursue opportunities in the DC / Maryland / Virginia area and receive the support they need in these times of adjustment.
We will hear from Joe Greco, Vice President of Containers at Ports America; Martin de Groot, Managing Partner at NL to US; Andrew Kreinik, Regional Manager for Europe, Australia, and New Zealand at the Maryland Department of Commerce’s Office of International Trade and Investment; Jérome Larosch, Deputy Head of the Economics Department at the Netherlands Embassy in Washington, D.C.; and Stan Veuger, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, who will also moderate the event. Q & A will follow. The webinar will be held in English.
Please join the Baltimore-Rotterdam Sister City Committee, the Netherland-America Foundation, and the Netherlands America Chamber of Commerce for the Washington Metro Area for a panel discussion followed by Q&A. The webinar will take place on May 13, 12:00pm EST / 18:00u CET on Zoom.
Advance registration required. |
Contact Information: Name: The Netherland-America Foundation |
Website Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/supporting-developing-business-during-covid-19-in-the-dc-metro-region-registration-104346707812 |