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International Trade Series -Montgomery County |
Start Date: | 5/30/2018 | Start Time: | 10:00 AM |
End Date: | 5/30/2018 | End Time: | 1:00 PM |
Event Description: Companies that export goods and services earn substantially more income than purely domestic companies. Join us for our new five-session International Trade Series and learn how to expand revenue streams and grow through global trade.
You will learn: Why to export, market entry strategies, shipping and legal aspects of I-Trade, finance strategies and conclude with an understanding of contracting opportunities. See www.marylandwbc.org for session dates and details. |
Location Information: Montgomery County
Contact Information: Name: WBC Phone: 301-315-8091 |
Other Details: 51 Monroe Street, Plaza East-20 Rockville, MD 20850 |
Website Link: www.marylandwbc.org |