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Virtual Presentation: What is an Annuity? |
Start Date: | 7/20/2021 | Start Time: | 7:00 PM |
End Date: | 7/20/2021 | End Time: | 8:30 PM |
Event Description: Joyce Peach is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting.
Join ZoomGov Meeting Link:https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1612768572
Meeting ID: 161 276 8572 Call-in Information: 1(646) 828-7666
ZOOM SECURITY NOTICE - Attendees of this meeting should be aware that there are known and potential privacy and confidentiality issues with the Zoom System (Cloud Service, Web application, and/or Application). While every effort has been made to ensure the security of this meeting, factors out of the State’s control introduce risk. Participants should evaluate the risk associated with the application and platform and determine if the risks preclude the use of the service. The State provides no warranty regarding the security of the application, confidentiality of the information discussed, or the privacy of information collected by the application and/or service. Security events impacting the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a meeting (e.g., ZoomBombing) must be reported to the State Security Operations Center (soc.info@maryland.gov).
LOCATION: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1612768572 |
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