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Offensive Rotorcraft Combat Systems |
Start Date: | 7/30/2019 | All Day |
End Date: | 8/1/2019 | |
Event Description: Focused on critical emerging combat systems and needs of rotorcraft operators, acquisition, S&T, industry and academia from every service.
Submission Requirements
To submit a presentation for consideration, tell us you’re interested and email an abstract (250 words or less) to the Conference Board no later than 15 June. Authors will be accepted on a rolling basis, and notified no later than 1 July.
The abstract MUST be Unclassified and Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. The abstract MUST specify if the presentation discussion and/or media will be classified or unclassified.
Location Information: Howard County
Contact Information: Name: Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory Phone: (240) 228-5000 |
Other Details: Kossiakoff Conference Center Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD |
Website Link: https://www.jhuapl.edu/ |