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Double Vision - Oil Paintings by Marian Gliese & Acrylic/Watercolors by Deborah Hoeper |
Start Date: | 9/27/2019 | |
End Date: | 9/28/2019 | End Time: | Midnight |
Event Description: September: “Double Vision in Color” Oil Paintings by Marian Gliese and acrylics/watercolors by Deborah Hoeper. The exhibit runs Aug 27-Sept 29 with a free reception on Sept 14 from 4-6pm as part of the Annual Road to the Arts weekend.
Event Time:Varies depending on day
Category: Office Of Tourism
Visual Arts
WebSite:http://www.artistsgalleryec.com |
Location Information: 8197 Main Street (View Map) Howard Central Maryland Ellicott City 21043
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