Start Date and Time | Event Details | Location |
Start Date and Time | Event Details | Location |
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Board of Well Drillers Exams Board of Well Drillers Exam - All Licenses
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12:00 PM - 12:00 PM | Is climate change to blame? Understanding and communicating the link... webinar
After an extreme weather event, people often ask: is climate change to blame? Join the Yale Center for Environmental Communication for an insightful discussion on attribution science — a field focused on determining the influence of human-induced climate change on extreme weather events.
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12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | UninHABitable: Harmful Algal Blooms Across the Watershed - webinar Harmful algal blooms (HABs) threaten waters from the upper reaches of our rivers to the estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay. HAB species can release toxins, reduce dissolved oxygen, form extensive bottom mats, and cloud the water – all with impacts on aquatic animal species, recreation, and even human and companion animal health. Our speakers this month will touch on what conditions make for a toxic bloom, how it affects other species, and how we can improve monitoring and detection.
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12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Webinar: 2024 Plastic Promises Scorecard As You Sow is hosting a webinar to discuss their new Plastic Promises Scorecard 2024. Produced in partnership with the environmental solutions platform Ubuntoo, the Scorecard ranks 230 companies across 20 industries on packaging sustainability, including plastic reduction, recyclability, reuse, end-of-life collection and more. Panelists include: Kelly McBee, Circular Economy Manager and report author from As You Sow; Venky Kini, co-founder and report partner from Ubuntoo; and Conrad MacKerron, Senior Vice President at As You Sow.
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Start Date and Time | Event Details | Location |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Cancelled: Pre-Hearing Conference MIA Ex. Rel Arthur Green v. USAA; MIA-2024-03-028 Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/vvf-eygc-eph Or dial: (US) +1 929-336-5786 PIN: 875529744# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/vvf-eygc-eph?pin=9921887889411&hs=7
Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720 | |
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Cancelled: Pre-Hearing Conference MIA Ex. Rel Arthur Green v. USAA; MIA-2024-03-028 Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/vvf-eygc-eph Or dial: (US) +1 929-336-5786 PIN: 875529744# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/vvf-eygc-eph?pin=9921887889411&hs=7
Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720 | |
10:00 AM - 11:50 AM | P&C Training With Market Conduct Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/dxq-fqfk-bjj Or dial: (US) +1 413-471-2436 PIN: 991950744# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/dxq-fqfk-bjj?pin=4612310576806&hs=7
Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720 | |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Virtual Motion Hearing - MIA Ex. Rel T.S. (o/b/o A.S. and E.S.) v. Reliastar Life Insurance Company, MIA 2023-12-005 MIA Ex. Rel Thomas Strong (o/b/o A.S. and E.S.) v. Reliastar Life Insurance Company Join ZoomGov Meetinghttps://maryland-insurance.zoomgov.com/j/1602539466?pwd=OFhvcU14eEJrbDJyWld3SUFMajdPUT09Meeting ID: 160 253 9466Passcode: 243734---One tap mobile+16692545252,,1602539466# US (San Jose)+16468287666,,1602539466# US (New York)---Dial by your location• +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)• +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)• +1 646 964 1167 US (US Spanish Line)• +1 415 449 4000 US (US Spanish Line)• +1 551 285 1373 US (New Jersey)• +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)• 833 568 8864 US Toll-freeMeeting ID: 160 253 9466Find your local number: https://maryland-insurance.zoomgov.com/u/adbkgAcjQlZOOM SECURITY NOTICE -Attendees of this meeting should be aware that there are known and potential privacy and confidentiality issues with the Zoom System (Cloud Service, Web application, and/or Application). While every effort has been made to ensure the security of this meeting, factors out of the State’s control introduce risk. Participants should evaluate the risk associated with the application and platform and determine if the risks preclude the use of the service. The State provides no warranty regarding the security of the application, confidentiality of the information discussed, or the privacy of information collected by the application and/or service. Security events impacting the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of a meeting (e.g., Zoom Bombing) must be reported to the State Security Operations Center (soc.info@maryland.gov).
LOCATION: https://maryland-insurance.zoomgov.com/j/1602539466?pwd=OFhvcU14eEJrbDJyWld3SUFMajdPUT09 | |
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Long Term Care Hearing Long Term Care Hearing
LOCATION: 24th floor Hearing Room | |
Start Date and Time | Event Details | Location |
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Elkridge 50+ Center Consumer Outreach Learn more about insurance issues or get help with insurance problems.*Please note that events may be cancelled for weather or other reasons. To ensure that the event is still scheduled, please check with the organizer.
LOCATION: 6540 Washington Blvd, Elkridge, MD 21075, USA | |
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM | South County Senior Activity Center Consumer Outreach - Edgewater Learn more about insurance issues or get help with insurance problems.*Please note that events may be cancelled for weather or other reasons. To ensure that the event is still scheduled, please check with the organizer.
LOCATION: 27 Stepneys Ln, Edgewater, MD 21037, USA | |
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Johns Hopkins Subway Station Consumer Outreach Learn more about insurance issues or get help with insurance problems.*Please note that events may be cancelled for weather or other reasons. To ensure that the event is still scheduled, please check with the organizer.
LOCATION: 702 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA | |