Description -
Service to integrate, store, edit, analyze, and display geographically-referenced information in a client/server or web-based environment.
Examples of Potential Services: Cost-benefit analysis of migrating/integrating exiting databases with GIS;Systems analysis, design and spatial database development;Spatial referencing of spatial and non-spatial data;Integration of spatially referenced data with other functional areas in an organization;GIS system and data maintenance;Data quality assurance (e.g. data accuracy, precision, consistency, completeness) according to data quality standards/guidelines of the State;Collect, create or acquire digital spatial data such as orthophotography, elevation date, transportation features, streams, or parcel maps;Create maps using spatial data for web content, publication or other uses;Linking data with maps using geocoding;Define, develop, configure, implement and maintain GIS solutions, including COTS packages;Manipulate geographical data;Perform queries, analysis and visualization;
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DoIT Strategic Planning
Total # of Master Contractors: 241