Get your hands dirty for clean water and a greener Baltimore! Join Blue Water Baltimore staff as we plant trees in the northeast Baltimore community of Coldstream-Homestead-Montebello to support greening and beautification of some adopted neighborhood lots. We are supporting local leaders to keep them beautiful and improve their appearance while reducing runoff. Some trash cleanup and invasive tree pruning will be also occurring for those pruners.
Novice volunteers and expert TreeKeepers alike are welcome to attend. Our tree planting projects are rain or shine, and we recommend closed-toed shoes and clothing that is appropriate for the weather and getting dirty. Hats, sunblock, and sunglasses are strongly encouraged. We ask volunteers to bring a reusable water bottle to reduce our waste.
In partnership with Civic Works and Coldstream Homestead Montebello Community Development Corporation. Funded by the Chesapeake Bay Trust, Maryland Department of Natural Resources 5 Million Trees Campaign and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Chesapeake Stewardship Fund.