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Start Date: 4/18/2024Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Date: 4/19/2024End Time: 2:00 AM
Event Description:
The hearing will be held at 6:00 PM, Thursday, April 18, 2024 at the Conference Room at the MPA Cox Creek DMCF Operations Building, 1000 Kembo Road, Curtis Bay, MD 21226.
Contact Information:
Name: Matt Wallach
Phone: 410-537-3527
State Agency(s)
Other Details:
23-WL-0971/202361518/MARYLAND PORT ADMINISTRATION, 401 E. Pratt Street, Suite 1653, Baltimore, MD 21202 has applied to hydraulically or mechanically maintenance dredge the following locations: North Locust Point Marine Terminal, 1430 Wallace St, Baltimore City; South Locust Point Marine Terminal, 2001 East McComas St, Baltimore City; Fairfield and Masonville Marine Terminal 2900-3100 Childs Street, Baltimore City; Seagirt Marine Terminal, 2600 Broening Highway, Baltimore City; Dundalk Marine Terminal, 2700 Broening Highway, Baltimore City and Baltimore County; Hawkins Point Marine Terminal, 5501 Quarantine Rd, Baltimore City; and Cox Creek DMCF, 1000 Kembo Rd, Anne Arundel County. The maintenance dredging will consist of a total of 720.8 acres throughout the marine terminal and DMCF access channels and berthing areas to depths ranging from 18.22 to 52.22 feet below mean low water. The application includes hydraulically or mechanically dredging a new 19.6-acre area to a depth of 52.22 feet at mean low water at Seagirt Marine Terminal to widen the existing access channel. A total of 5,084,500 cubic yards of material will be transported and disposed of at Masonville DMCF, Cox Creek DMCF, and/or the Hawkins Point Staging Area. The project includes up to 1,500 soil borings/geotechnical investigations at the various marine terminals and DMCFs within the dredging areas or within 100 feet of the shoreline, and up to 200 grab samples at the DMCF monitoring locations. The purpose of this project is to maintain required depths for the operation of MPA’s shipping channels and berthing areas.
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